The 2025 SCUUJA Fall Festival has been set for Saturday, October 4, in Columbia, so put it on your calendar! In the meantime, email to voluteer for Action Teams (or in advance for the Fall Festival!), and email for more information about SCUUJA.
Post-Election Message
This is a challenging time for many of us, but be assured that no matter what happens in the months and years ahead, we have each other, and we will never give up on justice.
Along with our congregations, partner organizations, other UU State Action Networks, and wider UU resources, SCUUJA is preparing for the environment we face post-election, including the 2025 South Carolina legislative session and the work that will be needed to protect those who will likely be most vulnerable in the next year and beyond.
For now, here are a few resources for you to use right away:
November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, and the UUA's UPLIFT program has shared a video that you can watch on YouTube at this link.
Tuesday, November 19 at 8:00 p.m. EST, a virtual Forward Together gathering is being held by Side With Love in the aftermath of the election. You can sign up for that event using the RSVP link here.
You can find other resources at the UUA's Community Resilience Hub.
For your calendar, please hold Thursday, December 5, 7:00 p.m. for SCUUJA's Annual Year-End Meetup, where we will recap 2024 and look at SCUUJA's plans for 2025, with opportunities for you to connect and engage. We will send a link in the December newsletter.
We also deeply appreciate all those who came to SCUUJA's Fall Festival and who have supported SCUUJA financially so our statewide work is possible. If you have given to SCUUJA at any time during the year (except for unidentified cash or plate collection gifts), you will get a statement in January. In the meantime, please remember SCUUJA on Giving Tuesday, December 3, or in any year-end giving that you do (you can always give to SCUUJA here).
You can also volunteer for one of our five (now six) Action Teams as we prepare for 2025 and the South Carolina legislative session starting January 14. For more information or to volunteer, contact Rev. Jean Heriot at
We will have plenty of challenges ahead, but we come to this moment with the strength of our connections, the strength of our UU values, and the strength of our love.
In faith,
Rev. Nathan, Rev. Jean, and the SCUUJA Board
Registration Open for Fall Festival!
Join Us for the Second SCUUJA Fall Festival October 5, 2024!
The planning committee for the Fall Festival has worked hard to develop our justice sessions and intergenerational activities. We will have justice sessions on Climate Action, Anti-Racism, Economic Justice/Healthcare Expansion, and LBGTQ+ Issues. Speakers include the Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, Executive Director of UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina; Ayanna Kafi, Project Director of Mosaic (our UUA multicultural arm dismantling racism and oppression); and Sue Berkowitz, SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center. In addition, we will have training sessions on how to develop your social justice group in churches large and small (led by the Rev. Nathan Woodliff-Stanley) and on how to work with the SC legislature (led by Lynn Teague, League of Women
The event will go from 10 to 4:30 pm and will be held at the Columbia UU Congregation’s facility. We hope you can join us to strengthen the work for justice in our state! And to meet people from other congregations, meet our partners across the state, join in family activities, and have a good time! There is no required registration fee, but donations of at least $10 per person are requested to help defray expenses. Registration is now open, so please register here:
--Rev. Jean (
SCUUJA FAITHIFY Campaign Succeeds!
Thank you to everyone who supported SCUUJA's Pride Month Faithify Campaign (you can see the results here)! Be watching for follow up, and email if you want to sign up for SCUUJA's LGBTQ+ Action Team!
Hope and Support for South Carolina Trans Youth and Adults
Until this past month, South Carolina was the deepest-South haven for gender-affirming care for transgender youth. For two years, the South Carolina UU Justice Alliance (SCUUJA) fought hard alongside trans-led and trans-affirming partners to protect medical care for our state’s transgender community. But this year, despite intense resistance, anti-trans zealots pushed through an extreme gender-affirming care ban on the last day of the South Carolina legislative session, which was signed into law on May 21, just last week. This law not only bans all forms of gender-affirming care for trans youth in the state, creating felonies with extended statutes of limitation for doctors who provide such care, but it also limits care for transgender adults who use Medicaid or work for the state, and it has a provision requiring school personnel to out students to their parents if they are suspected of questioning their gender identity.
So how do we respond? Not by giving up, but by increasing our support for South Carolina’s trans community as Unitarian Universalists who value justice centered in love. Please help us show that when LGBTQ+ communities are attacked, Unitarian Universalists respond. This Pride Month Campaign with a goal of $4,700 (a dollar for each directly affected person in this state) will fund:
UU relationship-building with trans-led and trans-affirming partners
Resources to help UU congregations and trans communities navigate the new reality in South Carolina
Information and education on trans welcoming and support in UU congregations
A South Carolina UU LGBTQ+ Action Team
Trans-affirming children's books for UU congregations in the state
An LGBTQ+ justice workshop at the SCUUJA UU Fall Festival on October 5
Sharing lessons with the Coalition of UU State Action Networks (CUUSAN) so other states can benefit, too.
We have an all-or-nothing goal of $4,700 or more in June, so please support SCUUJA here !
Each link in the pink, white, and blue paper chains wrapped around this plant in the South Carolina State House represents one of the 4700 South Carolina youth or adults who will have their access to health care restricted as a result of the new anti-trans law.
Connie Quirk (she/her), SCUUJA Board Member, Kenya Cummings (they/them), SCUUJA Board Member, and Rev. Nathan Woodliff-Stanley (he/him), SCUUJA Executive Director at the State House last year
SCUUJA is excited to offer a workshop for members of South Carolina UU congregations that helps congregations build Beloved Community for all. We hope you can join us for this important and timely work. SCUUJA received a UU Funding Program Grant to bring you this opportunity at no cost to you or your congregation.
Building a Community of Communities with Paula Cole Jones
Saturday, June 8th from 10:00-3:00 and
Thursday, June 13th from 7:00-9:00 PM
This workshop for South Carolina UU Congregations will review strategic steps towards creating multicultural change in our congregations. Paula Cole Jones will guide us through actions we can take to embrace the spiritual, cultural and structural aspects of moving more fully into our vision of the Beloved Community through the lens of the 8th Principle work. All SC UUs are Welcome, especially those engaged or interested in becoming engaged in 8th Principle work in your congregation AND General Assembly Delegates.
To register go to:
Questions? Email the Rev. Jean Heriot at
Paula Cole Jones is the co-author of the 8th Principle and served on the Article 2 Study Commission. She is the founder of ADORE (A Dialogue on Race & Ethnicity), a former president of DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries) and an independent consultant specializing in multicultural competencies and institutional change.
In faith,
Rev. Jean Heriot
Registration is open for the Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Training with UU's Paula Cole Jones, Lutricia Callair, and Dr. Leon Spencer, by Zoom on April 12-14, 2024. Cost is normally $170 per person but SCUUJA received a UU Funding Program Grant and can offer at least 20 full and/or 40 partial scholarships. We would like to have at least two folks from each South Carolina congregation participate and more would be fabulous. First come, first served (but priority will be given to offering two for each congregation). If you have questions, contact Rev. Jean at You can register here:
Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Training
A Community Experience:
Building Capacity to Dismantle Systemic Racism
Paula Cole Jones leads an updated version of the unique and acclaimed program
partnering with experienced UU trainers Dr. Leon Spencer and Lutricia Callair
For members of the South Carolina Unitarian Universalist Justice Alliance (SCUUJA)
Do you wish to deepen your understanding of how race and ethnicity play out in our institutions and our daily lives? This 2-½ day workshop is open to everyone–of any faith or none–who wants to journey toward making a stand against racism and nurturing a multicultural future.
Friday, April 12, 2024, 6:00–9:00 pm
Saturday, April 13, 2024, 9:00 am–8 pm
Sunday, April 14, 2024, Noon–6:30 pm
The workshop includes presentations, discussions, videos, exercises, and small group work. Offered remotely by program manager Paula Cole Jones with the support of two experienced trainers, the program will be on Zoom. There are multiple breaks each day, including a 2-hour lunch break on Saturday. The workshop begins at noon on Sunday so that you can attend a Sunday service.
What are we trying to do?
· To develop a shared analysis of racism and its individual, institutional, and cultural manifestations
· To begin to apply this common understanding to the history, culture, and institutional structure of our society
To envision the next steps in taking action.
· The long history of racism and resistance to racism in the Americas
· Defining racism
· Exploring the effects of racism on people of color and on white people
Dismantling racism
Claiming and shaping an anti-racist identity
“My world has expanded dramatically.”
“[the weekend] truly changed my life, how I see the world, and who I am as a human being…. I did not expect to be transformed… but that is exactly what has happened.”
“The Jubilee has given me the words and the strength to stand up and be the one to bring the hard conversations to the table.”
“This training will give you a lot of food for thought as well as tools to use in these challenging times.”
“It was like peeling an onion; we were able to delve into new and deeper levels of understanding. Thank you to the trainers for
this great opportunity to gain crucial points of awareness around racial justice!”
Enrollment is limited so sign up today! $170 per participant
and $85 for second and third person in the same household. Many scholarships available for SC UU’s. See registration.
This is the link for registering:
For more information, contact:
· Paula Cole Jones (Jones Coaching Group)
· Rev. Jean Heriot at 402-705-8260 or
Paula Cole Jones
Paula Cole Jones is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and a management consultant with over twenty years of experience in designing and facilitating workshops and dialogues for leaders and organizations. Paula currently serves as a member of the UUA Article II Study Commission. She is an innovator of institutional change. In 1999, Paula founded ADORE, A Dialogue on Race and Ethnicity. She has conducted hundreds of group discussions and workshops across the country for faith organizations, community groups, and government agencies. She is a leader in advancing the 8th Principle and the Community of Communities as practices for the Beloved Community. She is the author of a UU World magazine cover story “Reconciliation as a Spiritual Discipline.” She is also the editor of a Skinner House book, Encounters: Poems about Race, Ethnicity and Identity, and a contributing author to three Skinner House books, including the UUA Common Read Justice on Earth. Paula is the recent recipient of an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School. Her home congregation, All Souls Church, Unitarian, in Washington D.C. established the Paula Cole Jones Transformation Award and made her the inaugural recipient.
Lutricia Callair
Lutricia Callair is a social justice activist, Licensed Clinical
Social Worker, organizer, and author. Lutricia is CEO of
The Center for Healing and Wellness, a state certified agency offering mental health and other clinical services to individuals, families, and groups. In addition to Jubilee, Lutricia conducts anti-violence trainings and community building workshops. Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Beloved Community, Lutricia developed and leads a process called Kinship Circles. The Kinship Circle mission is to introduce and promote a way of being that brings people together to help overcome oppression and bigotries that separate us.
Dr. Leon Spencer
Dr. Leon Spencer’s work on behalf of anti-racism and anti-oppression efforts for Unitarian Universalist congregations began in 1985 when he helped establish the Black Concerns Working Group. In addition to Jubilee, he has participated with the Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Team and the Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries. He served as UUA Interim Co-President in 2017 and is professor emeritus at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia.
Upcoming dates
November 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance; find a local event or consider your own remembrance.
November 28, Giving Tuesday; if you give on Giving Tuesday, please think of SCUUJA this year! And if you want to stretch out what you give, nothing helps us more than monthly giving. You can make one-time or monthly gifts at:
December 5, All-State SCUUJA Zoom Meetup; watch for more information about this end-of-year Zoom meetup for SCUUJA, and plan to attend that evening at 7pm!
January 9, 2024, South Carolina Legislature convenes. We have a challenging legislative session ahead, and as we form issue teams and build our alert list, look for messages about where our voices are most needed.
April 12-14, 2024, Jubilee Three Anti-racism Training
May 9, 2024, SC Legislature sine die, if they actually end without a special session this year.
October 5, 2024, Second SCUUJA UU Fall Festival!Get it on your personal and church calendar now!
November 5, 2024, Election Day; Plan to vote up and down the ballot, and in the meantime, vote in primaries, engage in UU the Vote, and get out the local vote as well!
SCUUJA Offers Anti-Racism Zoom Training
On Thursday, October 26, from 7 t0 9 pm Eastern time, SCUUJA is offering a special one-time Zoom training on anti-racism methods and lessons by UU 8th Principle leader Paula Cole Jones. A sought-out consultant, facilitator, and dialogue leader, Paula Cole Jones also serves on the UUA's Article II Commission. In her work to bring about more racially welcoming spaces in our congregations, she has discovered steps that can help. She will share with us strategies she has used and lessons she has learned fom over twenty years of working against racism and for equity and inclusion.
In order to bring Paula Cole Jones to SCUUJA, there is a registration fee of $35 for this event, but if that is an obstacle for any of those who wish to attend, they are welcome to email Jean Heriot at to ask about scholarships. This session is a good way to build on the racial justice session at the October 7 Fall Festival, but it is open to all. Please register at this link: .
South Carolina UU Fall Festival, October 7 at UU Congregation of Columbia
To register for the SCUUJA Fall Festival, use the QR Code on the front page flyer or use this link:
You should receive a registration confirmation and soon after you will receive an email with a form for a requested donation of $10 per adult (not high school or younger) to help cover costs including lunch for everyone. To help us plan for food and logistics, please register by September 30 if possible! You may want to explore carpooling with others in your congregation who are going.
If you would like to help by volunteering, please fill out this form as well:
The program runs from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday, October 7. Link to the full schedule here:
We hope you can come to this first ever gathering of all ten UU congregations in South Carolina with a Banner Parade, introductions, learning, fun and fellowship. This is a family friendly event, and we are planning child care for young children, arts and crafts for all ages, drumming circles for children (ages 3 and up), intergenerational singing and storytelling. The justice sessions include Advocacy 101, Addressing Gun Violence, Anti-racism and Legislative Action, Climate Action, Women’s Reproductive Rights and LBGTQ+ Work, and UU the Vote looking toward 2024. Come to celebrate, learn, meet Unitarian Universalists from around the state, and work for more justice in South Carolina!
--Rev. Jean
All-Male Court Upholds South Carolina Abortion Ban
When the newly all-male South Carolina Supreme Court upheld a severe six week statewide abortion ban on August 23, it reversed the Court's decision less than a year earlier that a nearly identical ban violated privacy rights in the state constitution.
After this new restriction, SCUUJA is exploring ways our congregations can support abortion access and reproductive justice in the state, working with partners and building on existing resources. This will be a topic in one of our justice workshops at the October 7 Fall Festival. In the meantime, here are some resources for you to explore:
From the Women's Rights and Empowerment Network (WREN):
From Side With Love, wider UU resources for congregations about reproductive justice and abortion access:
Information about a recent Planned Parenthood challenge of the law, which refers to a "heartbeat" even though the embryo at six week is not yet a fetus and the heart has not yet developed at that point:
Whatever happens in our state, SCUUJA will continue to work for justice, including access to abortion care.
SC NAACP Partner News
On September 8, the Rev. Jean Heriot spoke with Mrs. Brenda Murphy, the President of the NAACP South Carolina State Conference and member of SCUUJA’s Board, about what is happening across the state.
Of particular concern is book banning. The NAACP SC has been monitoring local school districts across the state as challenges to books in schools and libraries have increased. The conservative organization, Moms for Liberty, has been active across the state working to ban books that mention race and ethnicity, critical race theory, and LGBTQ+ perspectives. Local NAACP units are attending local school board meetings to express their views and to encourage parental input regarding what is appropriate for teaching/learning in schools. Listings of potential books to be banned are usually not made available for parental review and input prior to presentation to the School Board. The NAACP advocates for parental input when decisions are being made and for the process to be inclusive. They partner with other advocacy organizations to stop book banning as the current process exists.
The SC NAACP and local units are engaged in redistricting for local school districts. This has been an ongoing process and need due to challenges communities are faced with at the local level, especially the merger of school districts. Other challenges being addressed by the NAACP SC include the use of public funds (vouchers) for private school funding, a law recently signed into effect by the governor.
At the national level, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear Alexander v. State Conference of the NAACP. Though a lower court ruled that the South Carolina’s redrawn 1 st Congressional District map was racially discriminatory, the SC state is challenging the decision. President Murphy is hopeful that the SCOTUS will agree with the State Supreme Court decision that lines are to be redrawn to reflect the equitable and fair representation of the people.
Finally, the NAACP South Carolina State Conference Convention will be held October 12 th through the 15th in Sumter, SC. Congressman James Clyburn will be in attendance and other Statewide Advocacy Groups. The theme for this year is “Preserving Our Heritage and Public Education”.
We Need Medicaid Expansion!
Partner Column--Sue Berkowitz, Executive Director of Appleseed Legal Justice Center & SCUUJA Board Member
Thousands of South Carolinians, many of whom are essential workers who have provided critical services during the pandemic, have gone without healthcare for far too long. South Carolina is one of 10 states that has not expanded Medicaid under the federal law that guarantees the matching funds. Both red and blue states have taken advantage of the federal law.
Due to the lack of expansion in South Carolina, there is a large healthcare gap in the state. Some South Carolinians are making too much income to be eligible for Medicaid and also not enough to afford care from the health insurance marketplace, leaving them with no healthcare options in between. This is called the Coverage Gap.
If South Carolina decided to expand Medicaid today, over 345,000 individuals would be able to enroll in Medicaid and have a real option for healthcare. Families would be healthier, small businesses employing these low-wage individuals would have more productive workers, and the state and counties would save significant dollars from being relieved of the financial expense for providing healthcare to the incarcerated.
Get Involved: Join as a Member of CoverSC
Organizations who join as a member support Medicaid expansion and will take an active role in using coalition messaging with the organization’s constituents and informing the Coalition of its communications and events relevant to Medicaid expansion.
Join as a Supporter
Organizations or individuals who join as a supporter are in favor of Medicaid expansion and are willing to have their name listed as such, and will be informed of the Coalition’s activities.
See the CoverSC website at:
Special Session Abortion Ban Signed by Governor, Put on Hold by Judge
After a determined effort led by women in the South Carolina House and Senate and allies and activists for reproductive freedom and justice, defeating the House abortion ban and preventing the Senate ban from passing during the regular session, the six-week Senate ban (S474) passed this week in special session and was signed by Governor McMaster on May 24. However, a Circuit Court judge has now granted an injunction against the new law while it is challenged in court, so for now abortion remains legal in South Carolina up to 22 weeks.
A similarly extreme six-week ban was previously found to be an unconstitutional violation of privacy rights by the state Supreme Court, but the law's proponents are counting on the current all-male Supreme Court to ignore that precedent and uphold the ban. Regardless of what the Court ultimately decides, SCUUJA and our partners will continue to uphold reproductive freedom, gender justice, and rights for all people in South Carolina. We thank everyone who has called, emailed, and showed up for this and other justice issues. Our work at the State House will continue, but not everything is about the legislature. We will also continue working with our UU congregations on the spiritual, educational, and direct service sides of justice, including abortion access. Our efforts will be needed no matter what happens next, so thank you for remaining connected to SCUUJA and our partners through it all.
SCUUJA FAithify Campaign Succeeds!
We are grateful to everyone who supported the recent South Carolina UU Justice Alliance campaign on Faithify (a UU crowd funding platform)! We successfully raised $5,000 to help us qualify for a $5,000 match from the UU Funding Program to build and sustain SCUUJA's work for justice in South Carolina. The Faithify link is now closed, but you can still give to SCUUJA at the "donate" link at the top of the front page.
SCUUJA is a proud co-sponsor again of this year's DRUUMM Public Worship
You are invited to participate in a beautiful, multicultural on-line worship service with DRUUMM (Diverse Multicultural UU Multicultural Ministries) at 8:00 p.m., Thursday, May 11. This annual public worship supports DRUUMM as it serves UUs who identify as people of color with pastoral care, community organizing, and antiracism work.
The theme of this year's public DRUUMM worship is "Shine On, Resilient and Beautiful People," with guest preacher Rev. Katie Romano Griffin, musical artist Amanda Thomas, the DRUUMM Choir, and original works of music, prayer, and poetry by gifted black and brown colleagues. You can register for the service here:
Since this service happens to fall on the final day of South Carolina's legislative session, it can also be a healing reminder of our UU values after a long and challenging legislative season. We hope you will join in!
New Date for First-Ever Statewide UU Fall Festival in Columbia
SCUUJA Fall Festival October 7, 2023—SAVE the DATE!
Come join South Carolina UU Congregations in Columbia on Saturday, October 7 for a day of fun, learning, and building relationships across our state. This family friendly gathering will be held at the UU Congregation of Columbia starting at 10 am and winding up around 4 pm. We will have many different activities including an ingathering of all 10 UU congregations with a brief worship session, many different concurrent sessions on SC justice issues (such as Environmental Justice, Reproductive Justice, LBGTQ+ Justice, Racial Justice, Healthcare Justice, and Electoral Justice), and fun activities for the whole family including storytelling, arts and crafts, and games. We’ll eat together, laugh together, and make plans for justice across our state! What could be better?
Please note that this date is a change from an earlier tentative date in September. Make plans to come October 7! We hope you will take away a greater sense of connectedness, a sense of empowerment and UU identity, as well as a commitment to action.
Have expertise in an area of justice, storytelling, art, or ministry? Let Rev. Jean know at We are looking for individuals to help plan beforehand and to lead sessions on October 7!
SCUUJA Offers Transgender Inclusion Training
SCCUJA Offers Transgender Training
In March and April, three members from each Unitarian Universalist congregation in SC will have the opportunity to take the on-line course “Transgender Inclusion in Congregations” free of charge. This six-session training was developed by Alex Kapitan and Rev. Mykal Slack at the Transforming Hearts Collective. The workshop is designed to help congregations be more welcoming of transgender individuals. We will explore deeply the intersection of trans identity, spirituality, and our faith community with the aim transforming individuals and congregations. Taking the course not only helps us be more welcoming, but it also helps us create safe spaces for transgender individuals in our communities. We need to foster that safety in a state where transgender identities are under assault through proposed legislation.
If you are interested in being one of the three persons taking the course from your congregation, check with your minister and/or the chair of your social justice committee. You can also contact the Rev. Jean Heriot at SCUUJA ( for more information (for example, the dates of the trainings) and to see if there are spaces available. Sessions start March 7.
February News
We are almost to SCUUJA's second legislative update of the 2023 South Carolina legislative session, at 7:00 pm (by Zoom) on Thursday, February 23. To make sure your get the link to the meetup, sign up for newsletters and alerts on the front page of the website if you have not already, or email to get the link.
Even as book bans, abortion bans, anti-trans and anti-"CRT" bills are considered by the legislature, there are still opportunities for some positive legislation. One of those is a hate crimes bill, H3014, the "Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes Act" that will be in the House Judiciary Constitutional Laws Subcommittee tomorrow (Thursday) morning. While that is not much notice, it is always a good time to let your legislators know your support for a hate crimes bill, as South Carolina is one of only two states without one. You can find your legislators at There is a Stamp Out Hate coalition in South Carolina, and you can contact them at if you wish to submit testimony, or get more information from their website at
After this week, our next legislative update meetup will be at 7 pm on Thursday, March 23.
January News
The South Carolina legislature opened on January 10, and SCUUJA will hold its first legislative update meetup on Thursday, January 26 at 7:00 pm (by Zoom). No need to sign up—if you are getting this newsletter, you will get an invitation with a Zoom link for that meetup.
As challenging as the legislative environment may be, there are positive bills that have been introduced. Among them are:
An inclusive nondiscrimination bill (H3738, a priority of SC United for Justice & Equality and LGBTQ allies)
A reproductive freedom bill (S29, a priority of several organizations supporting reproductive freedom and justice),
A hate crimes bill (S3, a priority of the NAACP and other allies)
Automatic DMV voter registration (S6, a priority of the League of Women Voters)
Some ACLU-supported rights bills (H3140 Tenant Right to Counsel, H3306 Ban the Box, and S278 Juvenile Justice Reform).
There are of course a slew of bills pushing abortion bans, book bans, voter disenfranchisement, and discriminatory anti-trans policies. We want to help you respond to these attacks. We will have more information to give in our legislative update January 26, so put it on your calendar now!
How Your Congregation Can Support SCUUJA
SCUUJA is connected with all ten Unitarian Universalist congregations in South Carolina so we can join with each other, with South Carolina nonprofit and interfaith allies, with national resources, and with people impacted by injustice to put UU values into action and create a more powerful voice for justice in our state. No matter its size or structure, there are a number of ways for your congregation to support SCUUJA:
Promote and take part in SCUUJA meetups, events, and educational programs
Endorse SCUUJA with a congregational covenant or letter of support
Make an annual congregational budget commitment to SCUUJA
Invite SCUUJA leaders to speak at a service in your congregation at least once a year
Hold a plate collection for SCUUJA
Support SCUUJA with discretionary funds or special grant funds
Encourage congregational members to sign up for SCUUJA’s newsletter list at
Encourage congregational members to donate to SCUUJA at
Help SCUUJA raise other funds by participating in matching campaigns
Encourage congregational members to volunteer, respond to action alerts, write letters, testify on legislation, and participate in anti-oppression educational programs
Share what your congregation and social justice team are doing (photos, too!) so we can put it in SCUUJA newsletters and share it with other congregations.
Most of SCUUJA’s programs are on-line so location doesn’t matter for participation, but a few events are in person. We do plan to hold an in-person meetup in the fall so that Unitarian Universalists across the state can meet and get to know each other. Watch for details later in the year, and thank you for your own support of SCUUJA!
Rev. Nathan at State House
December News
Holiday blessings to all as 2022 comes to a close! Thanks to you, SCUUJA has come a long way in its first year, as Rev. Jean describes below. Now we are actively preparing for 2023. About two dozen SCUUJA supporters joined our December 7 all-state meetup, where we shared stories and shared our priority issues for the year ahead. Based on Board priorities, the meetup, what we have learned from our partner organizations, and what we have heard from you, here are some things we will be working on in 2023:
Legislative priorities:
Support action against hate crimes (with NAACP and other partners)
Support any improvements to voting rights (with League of Women Voters)
Support any progress on protecting DACA (with Appleseed and others)
Support any openings toward Medicaid expansion (with several partners)
Oppose bans on abortion or health care (with WREN and Planned Parenthood)
Oppose book bans or “CRT” bans (with Right to Read Coalition)
Protect transgender youth and LGBTQ+ rights (with ACLU and other partners)
Watch other SC emerging issues (such as juvenile justice, education, gun violence, and climate)
The South Carolina legislative session begins January 10 and ends May 11. We expect to hold legislative issue meetups at 7 p.m. on January 26, February 23, March 23, April 20, and a May 25 wrap-up. This spring, we expect to offer a deeper six-session educational program on transgender welcoming in our congregations. We will dialogue with our partners, gather UU social justice leaders and ministers, and hold an in-person all-state Unitarian Universalist gathering in the early fall. Be sure you are signed up for email updates to get notices of all our events!
We know how much our UU congregations do, so we will highlight your work whenever we can. Please read Jean’s summary below of what South Carolina UUs have been doing to serve our communities in the holiday season! Please keep sending your updates and photos!
With best wishes for the New Year,
- Nathan South Carolina UU Justice Alliance
Rev. Jean with Aiken UU the Vote activists
2022 Scuuja review
In January of 2022, we launched the South Carolina Unitarian Universalist Justice Alliance (SCUUJA) with the support of the UU Funding Program and a few committed UUs. Who could have foretold that in just a year we would have so much support and engagement for the work of justice in South Carolina! Our congregations and our partners responded with optimism, faith, and commitment to bring changes in our state.
Early on we saw the introduction of anti-trans bills and anti-Critical Race Theory bills (anti-CRT) in our state legislature. The Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper, then development minister at the Greenville UU Fellowship, drafted a letter in opposition to the anti-CRT bills, SCUUJA shared it widely across the congregations, and nearly 200 individual UU’s signed it. We sent it on, and along with many other partners, those anti-CRT bills were defeated. The Rev. Pippin Whitaker, then director of SCUUJA, organized with the SC United for Justice and Equality and with the Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network (WREN) to speak out and lobby against anti-trans bills and all but one of these were defeated.
Meantime, Rev. Pippin and Rev. Jean Heriot (director of organizing and training) went across the state and spoke to all our congregations and heard what each congregation was doing with respect to justice work. We held state-wide meetups on Zoom so that folks could hear and learn from each other. We also did a trans training with Alex Kapitan, a trans UU leader. Rev. Jean took up the coordination piece for the UU the Vote initiative and worked closely with Ms. Brenda Murphy, SC NAACP president, to help organize get out the vote work in our congregations. Two congregations, Spartanburg and Aiken, took on the UU challenge to become “Good Trouble” congregations magnifying the voices of UUs. All congregations did voter rights work: our partner organization Vote Forward reported UUs across the country sent out 5.7 million letters! SC was a great part of this effort!
Then over the summer, Rev. Pippin accepted a call to the Athens congregation, Rev. Jean did interim work as director, and the board hired Rev. Nathan Woodliff-Stanley as the executive director starting September 1. Over the summer, the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court brought the SC State Legislature into action as they tried to pass restrictive anti-abortion bills. This effort had us heading back to the State House, as members of our congregations and Rev. Jean came to Columbia to testify against these bills, and congregations sent letters and made calls to state representatives. Currently, things are in flux as the most restrictive anti-abortion bills did not pass and the bill banning abortion after six weeks is still being litigated in the courts. We know new anti-abortion bills will be forthcoming this January. We must be even more vigilant.
We were also working on building our board, our mission statement, bylaws, and financial base. Thanks to your generous contributions, we met a matching grant of $5,000 from Fathify. By September, we reached our full board complement of seven: with UU justice leaders and partner organizations serving the most vulnerable in our state. We have on our board an organizer from WREN, Kenya Cummings, the director of SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center, Sue Berkowitz, Esq., and the president of the SC NAACP, Brenda Murphy. Board members from our UU congregations include Rick Hahnenberg (Spartanburg), Board President; Pat Chaney (Greenville); Richard Hayes (Charleston); and Connie Quirk (Columbia). We held a board retreat in September to plan for the coming year, followed by a meetup with congregational members in December to elicit their priorities. We have also contacted our partners to determine what they are placing on their list of actions in the coming year. All these conversations are helping inform SCUUJA about next steps (see above by Rev. Nathan). We wrote another grant to the UU Funding Program and received it.
We kept you posted about all these actions and plans using emails, our newsletter, posts to Facebook and calls to action. We are so thankful for the many ways you work with us and with those centering the voices and authority of people experiencing injustice across the state. Together we work toward a more just South Carolina. Blessings indeed!
Rev. Dr. Jean Heriot
Clayton Memorial UU Church (Newberry) Provides Backpacks for Teens in Foster Care
SC UU Holiday service projects
Clemson Unitarian Universalist Fellowship collected warm weather items (gloves, mittens, scarves, tights, etc.) for Ripple of One, a Seneca organization helping families learn to balance budgets and be self-sufficient. Clemson also provides food for the Seneca meals for the homeless monthly. Clemson has a team working with Pickens County Habitat for Humanity, and food for the needy is collected (by the children) during our Sunday services. Other issues they work on include fighting racism, providing for Afghan refugees, voter’s rights, and reproductive justice.
The Unitarian Church in Charleston supports school children in need through monthly participation in 'Backpack Buddies' program sponsored by Lowcountry Food Bank. They support a 'Blessing Box' on site that provides food and dental care products to people living in projects near our church. In addition to this direct service, Charleston is working on racial justice including racial justice audits of local police, affordable housing, medical justice, refugee justice, environmental justice in Charleston, and addressing the needs of children in poverty.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg was in the first round of announcements from the UUA as a Good Trouble Congregation for their work with UU the Vote. Congratulations!! They are working with immigrant families and have adopted the middle school PTA as a community sponsor in their church neighborhood.
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Lowcountry (Bluffton) collected items for Helpful Horizons in November and December. With “Sharing from our Abundance,” they work with a local weekly food pantry. In addition, they help with MLK celebrations and cleanup a Gullah Cemetery. They have ongoing efforts to help stop the forced eviction of island workers from their homes and to address affordable housing with the Hilton Head “Home” Coalition. They work with the local immigrant community and Afghan refugee resettlement. They are monitoring attempted book bans in their community. They support the Lowcountry Coalition against Hate and seek to get a Hate Crime bill through our legislature.
The Christmas Eve collection at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Beaufort goes to Family Promise, supporting families experiencing homelessness. Beaufort is also working against banning books. Several of their members attended a school board meeting to speak against the attempted banning of approximately 80 books in our school district. In February, they support Race for Love, which supports Hopeful Horizons.
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia participated in The Palmetto Project’s Families Helping Families (FHF). They took on two families and two elderly persons for a total of 12 individuals. All gifts were taken to the FHF collection center, with tremendous support from the congregation. They have expanded their collection of toiletries and warm clothing for the Inclement Weather Shelter which offers a place to stay when the temperature drops to 40 degrees or below. They have been collecting food for Harvest Hope. UUCC also worked on voter’s rights sending in postcards and letters for the general election and for the Georgia runoffs and distributed door knockers.
The Aiken Unitarian Universalist Church worked hard and successfully to become a Good Trouble Congregation, writing letters and postcards to voters, knocking on doors, volunteering and working to make sure our polls were safe. They supported the work of the Aiken Homeless Coalition and Aiken Family Promise and held a coat drive for the needy. For their Christmas project, they bought 100 gifts for families helped by the Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons. Over the year they routinely partner with the Aiken NAACP on local NAACP justice projects. In addition, they have a blessing box that is filled with food every day of the week.
The Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship conducted a food drive for Upstate Food Not Bombs. In addition to food (FNB provides food-bags for 35 families on a weekly basis), warm winter wear was collected as well as toiletries, to be shared with the homeless population that they serve. GUUF also maintains a duplex that houses two families enrolled in the United Ministries empowerment program, which prepares them to transition from homelessness to independent living. Congregants provided them with Christmas trees and decorations. They also collected gift cards to be given to the families, to be used however needed.
For years Clayton Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church has provided gifts to teens in foster care in Newberry County over the holidays. They obtain individual wish lists collected by caseworkers. This year there are 12 teens in foster care, five boys and seven girls. Every teen received a backpack and a gift card (to get something else special for themselves!), as well as items from the wish lists. The focus on backpacks is to provide something that belongs to them that they can use if they need to pack up and move suddenly or frequently - hopefully to prevent foster kids from having to move their belongings in trash bags. They also are participating in the Newberry Helping Newberry winter supplies drive, which is collecting items to help people stay warm. These are distributed by the Living Hope Foundation in Newberry. In addition, they are collecting funds for our annual heifer international donation. All of this is seen by the congregation as blessings being given to blessings.
As part of its community outreach, All Souls Waccamaw UU Church in Myrtle Beach supports Homeless Period Project, Backpack Buddies, South Strand Helping Hands and New Directions of Horry County.
DRUUMM Worship
SCUUJA is a proud co-sponsor of "You Can Count On This" DRUUMM Public Worship
May 4th, 2022
8:30 PM Eastern/ 5:30 PM Pacific
Rev. Tyler Coles, Guest Preacher
Dr. Zanaida Robles, Musical Artist
Faith can be both a guiding light and sustaining force throughout the course of one’s life. Yet in a world that is all too cruel and harsh, faith can be twisted, becoming instead a tool that fosters both isolation and a sense of underwhelm. What do we do when this happens for us as Unitarian Universalists? Come, let us gather in the fortifying spirit of love made known in community as we re-member ourselves, for ourselves, in the presence of all that we choose to name as Holy.
We are at a sensitive moment after two difficult years of pandemic and loss in our DRUUMM communities. Your witness and solidarity are greatly needed to help us thrive into the future. Our goal is to connect more deeply with our wider Unitarian Universalist community to share DRUUMM’s mission, highlight some of our key activities, and raise funds in support of expanding our chaplain and pastoral care work with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Unitarian Universalism.
For more information on the service and speakers, click here. DRUUMM is the Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries, a UU People of Color organization. Learn more at
Medicaid Expansion Training Pt. 2
The Unitarian Church in Charleston will co-host a forum on Medicaid Expansion in SC, Pt 2 – March 23, 7 PM ET. This is the second session, in a 2-part series. For more information and to register, click here.
Action for Trans Liberation
On March 10, SCUUJA joined with SC United for Justice & Equality at the South Carolina State House. Find out more about the action here and follow links to get involved.
1st Social Justice
Leaders Meetup
Thank you to all who could join on Feb 22 for a fantastic beginning to the SC UU Justice Alliance! This was our first statewide justice leaders network meetup and we had over 40 participants from across the state. In case you missed the event and want to engage with UUs on statewide justice work, you can complete this online survey here. This will let us know who to connect you with, and how we may share your information.
New Issue Groups Forming
Out of the Feb 22 meeting, we have possible emerging justice issue groups in Education, Environmental Justice, Immigration & Support for DACA Recipients, Transgender* Justice, & Voter Rights & Access. Please complete this brief and secure online survey to indicate your interest in a group and allow us to connect you with other organizers!
UU Voices at the Capital
The South Carolina Legislature is considering several bills that would censor public education to prevent teaching history of slavery, Native American genocide, and the Holocaust. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe using knowledge and reason are essential creating a more just and humane world. We invited Unitarian Universalists and congregations/groups across the state to oppose passage of these bills. With 165 signatures and counting, this letter calls on South Carolina lawmakers to oppose these dangerous bills and ensure the betterment of society, not through denial and violence, but through dialogue and accurate education. Read more in our February newsletter here
New Challenges, New Opportunities
The new year is off to a full start, full of many pressing needs and new hopes, too. One pressing need you can act on right now is voting rights. Check out UU the Vote for details and to take action.
We will need one another for support and inspiration this year! This is why we are so excited to join you and other social justice leaders at our first statewide Social Justice Leaders Meetup on Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022 from 7 to 8:30 PM ET via Zoom. Register Here for the Zoom meeting
Check out to full January e-news here (note some links may not work).
Defend Our Democracy
On January 6, 2022, SC UU Justice Alliance representative Rev. Dr. Pippin Whitaker spoke to a crowd gathered at the South Carolina State House. Check out the video to recall the significance of Jan 6 and recommit to defending democracy!
Press Coverage here at this link!
December: Ready to Launch
SCUUJA is gearing up and ready to launch! Check out the December e-news here for more on: Visits to a congregation near you; Profile of a justice leader; Updates from across the state; and more!
November: Grant Awarded
We got the grant! A call to action! And more new developments. Check out the November news here.

October: New Beginning
Forming a SC UU Justice Alliance, what is this all about?